
The swiss army knife of your carbon accounting

TreeBeard is a multi-tool combining all the functions you need on your carbon reduction journey.

Discover TreeBeard

What is TreeBeard ?

TreeBeard is a data visualization tool that helps everyone in an organization use data to reduce their carbon footprint and drive long term business value.
With TreeBeard you are able to give regulators, partners and customers alike a clear vision of your company’s CO2e emissions while finding the easiest way to reduce it.

We understand of course that every organization is different, and their climate journey may take many different forms.
TreeBeard´s mission is to give every company the tailored tools that will foster an organization-wide collaboration, elevating stakeholders and pushing them in their involvement towards net zero.

Seeds preparation

The Tree

With Treebeard you can compute data from different sources. You can use data coming from third-party providers through their API or ours.

Our solution allows to import full datasets from files such as spreadsheets.

Thanks to this Treebeard allows you to easily map your whole value chain.

Map all your ecosystem, involve all your stakeholders.

Get everybody on board from a single employee to your biggest partners, everyone is represented on the tree, responsible and part of the whole solution.

There is no one size fits all solution, everything is customizable and scalable keeping it hyper accurate as you grow from seed to tree.

SeedPreparation SeedPreparation

The nature of magic

A new way of accounting

Treebeard is first and foremost a « data-viz » tool.

Our philosophy is centered on the ability to provide a full picture of your carbon footprint via customizable and easy to understand visuals.

Empowering organizations, by providing an all-in-one solution for all your carbon related objectives and all your future ESG challenges.

Treebeard offers multiple key indicators that help your understanding of your carbon emissions and your ability to communicate to regulators, customers and partners alike.

Everything is interconnected and there is no adequate solution coming from a macro vision, with TreeBeard you can find and implement solutions as diverse and close as the problem.

Nature of magic SeedPreparation

The tree that hides the forest

The perfect toolbox to tune your company toward Net-Zero

Behind the visuals you can go into detailed assets.

In which you will be able to see the sources, data quality, auditable documents, easy to understand dashboard, automatically generated reports, the stakeholders and much more.

Treebeard allows you to go beyond simple structures by leveraging the data coming from multiple teams/projects.

A pack of tools giving you the ability to visualize, understand and manage your data through your carbon neutrality journey.

Wherever you are on your journey, TreeBeard is made for you offering pre-made designs and reporting structures aligned with industry standards and demands for an easy and fast implementation. While also offering tailor made quality, everything is customizable.

TreeThatHideTheForest SeedPreparation

A single tree does not make a forest

Your best friend to be compliant

Treebeard is at his heart a collaborative tool.

With the goal to maximize team involvement, Treebard can be directly connected with common company communication platforms such as Confluence, Teams, Slack and more.

A pack of tools giving you the ability to visualize, understand and manage your data through your carbon neutrality journey.

Wherever you are on your journey, TreeBeard is made for you offering pre-made designs and reporting structures aligned with industry standards and demands for an easy and fast implementation. While also offering tailor made quality, everything is customizable.

SigleTreeDoesNotMakeAForest SeedPreparation


TreeBeard, from T to D

Carbon reporting demands formal records of all your carbon producing activities.

With Treebeard you will be able to present all the relevant carbon information in a structured manner in audit-ready reports.

In addition with compliance we believe in keeping your ecosystem invested in your climate journey.

That’s why, thanks to our communication tools, our real-time dashboards and our customizable access permissions your partners, teams and clients will always be involved.

A successful transition toward carbon neutrality requires more than a plug and play software, we will be with you at every step of the way.

From expertise consulting to enlarging your ecosystem in order to grow your organization in a more sustainable way.

Communication SeedPreparation


Two options:

  • On Premise: “Your forest, your rules”,
  • SaaS: Hosted by yours truly in France.

Designed for every enterprise with infinite scalability and an ability to modelise any company structure directly in the tool.


The Team
behind TreeBeard

Alexandre HRISOHO

Co-Founder and CEO

Corentin DAILLIE

Co-Founder and CTO
